- воля ваша
- • ВОЛЯ ВАША <ТВОЙ> coll[these forms only]=====1. [indep. sent]⇒ (said in response to s.o.'s statement expressing or implying his intention to act in a certain way) you can do whatever you want to:- (do) as you wish (please);- do as you like;- it's up to you;- suit yourself (-selves);- have it your way.♦ "Много ль за часы-то, Алёна Ивановна?"... - "Полтора рубля-с и процент вперёд, коли хотите-с". - "Полтора рубля!" - вскрикнул молодой человек. "Ваша воля". - И старуха протянула ему обратно часы (Достоевский 3). "Do I get much for the watch then, Alyona Ivanovna?"..."One and a half rubles with interest in advance, if you like." "One and a half rubles!" cried the young man. "It's up to you," and the old woman handed the watch back to him (3a).2. [sent adv (usu. parenth); fixed WO]⇒ used to express the speaker's refusal to do what has been suggested or demanded; also used to express the speaker's disagreement with or objection to some statement, action etc that he considers unreasonable, ludicrous etc:- say what you will (like, want) (, but...);- (you may <can>) think what you will (wish) (, but...);- [in limited contexts] that is all very well, but...♦ Вот этого самого незнакомца в берете, воля ваша, Стёпа в своем кабинете вчера никак не видал (Булгаков 9). Say what you will, out Styopa had not seen this stranger in the beret at his office at all (9a).♦ "Угодно вам заряжать?" - спросил Павел Петрович, вынимая из ящика пистолеты. "Нет; заряжайте вы, а я шаги отмеривать стану... Раз, два, три..." - "Евгений Васильич, - с трудом пролепетал Пётр (он дрожал, как в лихорадке), - воля ваша, я отойду". - "Четыре... пять... Отойди, братец, отойди..." (Тургенев 2). "Would you care to load?" inquired Pavel Petrovich, taking the pistols out of the box. "No, you load while I measure out the paces. ...One, two, three..." "Please sir," Piotr faltered with an effort (he was trembling as if he had fever) "say what you like, but I am going farther off." "Four...five...all right, move away, my good fellow, move away..." (Зс).♦ "Но только, воля ваша, здесь не мёртвые души, здесь скрывается что-то другое" (Гоголь 3). "You may think what you will, but this is not a matter of dead souls; there is something else behind all this" (3c).♦ "...Намерен я тебя женить". - "На ком это, батюшка?" - спросил изумлённый Алексей. - "На Лизавете Григорьевне Муромской..." - "Воля ваша, Лиза Муромская мне вовсе не нравится". - "После понравится. Стерпится, слюбится" (Пушкин 3). "...I intend to get you a wife." "Who would that be, father?" asked the astonished Aleksei. "Lizaveta Grigorevna Muromskaia. ..." "That's all very well, but I don't like Liza Muromskaia in the least." "You'll grow to like her. Love comes with time" (3a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.